Month: January 2021

Legal Service Provider In Malaysia For Corporate Law, Legal Advice, Legal Assistance, Commercial Litigation And Arbitration

The Basic Requirements To Form A Valid Contract

What are the requirements for a contractual agreement to be valid? In today’s article, we will briefly share just that. There must be an “offer” by the offeror Section 2(a) of the Contracts Act refers to the term “offer” as a proposal. Regardless, an offer is a term used to signify party A (an offeror)…
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January 31, 2021 0

An Quick Introduction On The Different Types Of Business Agreements

What are some of the business agreements that we often see in Malaysia? Today, we will briefly share some (but not all) of them. Sale of business agreement (in a sole proprietorship scenario) What is the agreement all about? Such agreement usually involves the buying/ selling of a business (sole enterprise/ proprietorship) from one party…
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January 31, 2021 0

How To Enforce A Monetary Order?

What happens you manage to obtain a monetary order/judgment against a person who owes you money (i.e. a debtor) but he refuses to comply with the order/ judgment? Below is a quick guide on some of the things you can do (legally!) to secure your money.   Bankruptcy proceeding Under this umbrella, the debtor will be…
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January 24, 2021 0

What Is A Limited Liability Partnership?

What is an LLP An LLP, short term for “limited liability partnership”, is a partnership that combines the features you will find in a partnership and a limited liability company. In this regards, an LLP: Is mostly governed by the Limited Liability Partnership Act; Accords protection to its partners similar to the protection accorded to…
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January 18, 2021 0