Month: August 2021

Legal Service Provider In Malaysia For Corporate Law, Legal Advice, Legal Assistance, Commercial Litigation And Arbitration

Tips and Tricks When Managing A Company Payroll

Dealing with employee’s payroll month in month out can be quite tedious. To aid you in it, we will list down some things you will need to take note of when you are dealing with your employee’s payroll. Remember to always pay their salary on time In this regard, the law clearly stipulates that every…
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August 31, 2021 0

Case Study: Conviction Before Seizure?

Must a person be convicted under AMLA before their property is seized under the Act? This issue was dealt with in the case of Public Prosecutor v Habib Jewels Sdn Bhd. We will briefly discuss this case with you. Brief facts of the case This application arose from an investigation into the involvement of the…
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August 31, 2021 0

Introduction To Corporate Liability

What is corporate liability? Corporate liability refers to the liability of the company in the event they commit wrongdoing. More specifically, it deals with a situation whereby a company (or in this case, commercial organization) conspires with other companies/ parties/ individuals to commit acts of fraud or dishonesty that involves bribery i.e. corruption.  If you…
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August 25, 2021 0

Introduction To Cash Transaction Limit

What is ‘cash transaction limit’? Cash transaction limit is a form of security measure (including the likes of AMLA) to combat money laundering and illicit activities. It forms an additional level of deterrent against cash abuse and it also complements existing measures such as the suspicious transaction report and the cash threshold report that aids…
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August 25, 2021 0