Month: July 2022

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A 3 Min Read of Malayan Banking Ltd v Raffles Hotel Ltd

In this article, will briefly look at the case of Malayan Banking Ltd v Raffles Hotel Ltd and tackle this issue: whether a person who is not a member of a company or party to the articles of association can acquire rights under the articles of association/ company’s constitution? TLDR, no. The long answer can…
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July 30, 2022 0

Must A Director Disclose His/ Her Personal Interest In A Contractual Transaction?

Can a company director influence another director to enter into commercial agreements/ contractual transactions while secretly reaping personal benefits out of the agreement/ transaction? Can a director put his personal gain above that of the company and influence the rest of the directors to ensure that the company lands commercial agreements/ contractual transactions? Generally speaking,…
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July 30, 2022 0

An Introduction To Section 471 of Companies Act 2016

Previously, we shared on section 470 of the Companies Act– what it is about, what it does, and the purpose of the section.  TLDR, section 470 puts all legal proceedings against the company on hold except that of the winding-up petition against the company to ensure that a company’s assets are preserved and the company…
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July 30, 2022 0

An Introduction To Section 470 of Companies Act 2016

What can be done (in a potential winding-up scenario) to ensure that a company’s assets are preserved for its creditors?  In comes the first safeguard mechanism- section 470 of the Companies Act. We will briefly look at it below. What does section 470 say? Section 470 of the act states that: “ At any time…
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July 30, 2022 0