Month: March 2020

Legal Service Provider In Malaysia For Corporate Law, Legal Advice, Legal Assistance, Commercial Litigation And Arbitration

Can You Charge Your Tenant For Double Rent?

What happens if your tenant refuses to move out at the expiry of their tenancy agreement- can you charge your tenant for double rent? This matter was dealt with in the Federal Court case of Rohasassets Sdn Bhd v Weatherford (M) Sdn Bhd & Another. Brief facts of the case Rohasassets Sdn Bhd (‘Rohasassets’) let…
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March 30, 2020 0

Can You Sue Your Condo’s Management?

What happens when a condominium “condo” you live in is in a state of disrepair? What can you do? Who can you sue? Today, we will briefly discuss just this issue.  Who manages a condo? So who manages the condo? You as the owner of a unit in the condo? A corporate entity? Your neighbor’s…
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March 23, 2020 1

Criminal 101 – The Right to Remain Silent

When you are arrested by a police officer, you are normally accorded a myriad of legal rights in this country. Amongst them is the right to remain silent. However, and as we will find out soon enough, this right can potentially be a double-edged sword.  What is it about? The right to remain silent is…
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March 16, 2020 0