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Legal Service Provider In Malaysia For Corporate Law, Legal Advice, Legal Assistance, Commercial Litigation And Arbitration

What is Expert Evidence?

What is expert evidence These are evidence given by individuals who professed to be an expert in a particular field in relation to matters or knowledge that the court is lacking when they are determining a case. In could include areas of expertise such as medical science, cyber-security issues, foreign laws, etc.  Why is there…
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April 29, 2020 0

Can You Charge Your Tenant For Double Rent?

What happens if your tenant refuses to move out at the expiry of their tenancy agreement- can you charge your tenant for double rent? This matter was dealt with in the Federal Court case of Rohasassets Sdn Bhd v Weatherford (M) Sdn Bhd & Another. Brief facts of the case Rohasassets Sdn Bhd (‘Rohasassets’) let…
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March 30, 2020 0

The Subcontractor’s Exemption Dilemma

In a construction dispute that comes within the ambit of the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act (“CIPAA”), can a subcontractors’ contract can be considered an exempt contract under the First Schedule of the Construction Industry Payment And Adjudication (Exemption) Order? To know more, let us dive into the recent case of  ENRA Engineering And…
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January 25, 2020 0