Month: February 2022

Legal Service Provider In Malaysia For Corporate Law, Legal Advice, Legal Assistance, Commercial Litigation And Arbitration

A Brief Guide On Winding Up

What is winding up? Generally speaking, it is a term/ phrase to describe the process of closing down or dissolving a company. This is not to be confused with bankruptcy (i.e. a process instituted against an individual who is unable to pay his debts). What does it involve? It involves the selling of assets (generally…
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February 27, 2022 0

What Should/ Shouldn’t A Director Do?

With great power comes great responsibility. Being a company director comes with all the glamour and perks, but so do responsibilities. Let us help you navigate through the waters of directorship with a brief list of dos and don’ts for company directors in Malaysia. Director is not just about name and fame- it comes with…
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February 27, 2022 0

The Trial Process Of A Criminal Case

What happens if a person is accused of a crime? Will he be given a chance in court to prove his innocence in court (the answer is yes)? What happens in court? In this article, we will briefly deal with the last question i.e. looking at the trial process of a person who is accused…
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February 27, 2022 0

A Brief Updates On Statutory Documents

As we all know, the Companies Act 1965 has been repealed and replaced by the Companies Act 2016. Coming into force on the 31st of January, 2017, the 2016 Act was put in place to fix certain provisions that were problematic in the 1965 Act, such as the compliance provisions, procedures on the managing of…
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February 27, 2022 0