Month: July 2021

Legal Service Provider In Malaysia For Corporate Law, Legal Advice, Legal Assistance, Commercial Litigation And Arbitration

What Are Some Of The Common Tax Offences That A Company Could Potentially Face In Malaysia

It comes as no surprise (or maybe it does), but a company will have to file tax returns and pay taxes too- failing to do so will land the company in very, very hot soup!  Now that the warning is out of the way, let us briefly look at some of the common tax offences…
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July 31, 2021 0

What Are Some Of the Important Taxes In Malaysia That A Company Needs To Pay?

What are some of the taxes that your company has to pay when you are running a company? Let us briefly find out. 1) Corporate tax This includes business profits, dividends, interests, rents, royalties, premiums, and other income derived from your company dealings in Malaysia. If your company is spanking new, take note of the…
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July 31, 2021 0

How To Renew A SSM Business Registration Online

Ever wonder how you can renew your business registration from the comfort of your home in the current Covid-19 climate? Below is a brief guide on how you can do so. Hopefully, it helps! 1) Register an online account Head on to EzBiz website (set up by Companies Commission of Malaysia “CCM”/ Syarikat Suruhanjaya Malaysia…
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July 23, 2021 0

Tips On Starting A Small Business In Malaysia

Wanting to get your business off on the right foot but you are absolutely clueless as to how it should be done? Below is some consideration you will need to factor in before starting your business. Hopefully, it helps! Do you have a business plan? By putting down all your thoughts, be it a realistic…
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July 23, 2021 0